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Life Insurance - Do you have health insurance?

24 Oct 2007


I'm sure we all have heard of the age old, famous adage that 'Health is Wealth'. In the modern day world, is taking care of your health just about enough! Does'nt the apprehension of going to a hospital plague many of us? This is because like most of events in our life, even an illness or a health disorder is unforeseen and often not thought of. Then why is health insurance necessary? What is it and how does it help? Let us try to figure out the answers to such questions.

Health insurance has become a necessity today because it plays a major role in health care. Health insurance can prove to be a source of support by taking care of the financial burden that your family may have to go through, when hospitalisation and medication expenses can be unaffordable. But with every revolution that man has brought about, there have been a fair share of disadvantages and mishaps. For example, today though we have reduced mortality rates and increased his life span, the level of pollution especially in metros, stress and strain at workplace, cut throat competition taking its toll on our health, are some of the harsh realities. Treatment for major illnesses or accidents can be unaffordable burning a deep hole in your pocket. It is especially worse when the patient needs specialised and critical care. Expenses can be alarming and the situation leaves you mentally devastated too. The family balance is affected, and at times all those comforts of life have to be given up.

Health insurance takes care of you in such circumstances. It will help you tackle such situations with ease by providing you with timely and adequate medical care. The financial burden of footing huge medical bills is taken care of by health insurance. Besides, if the accident causes life long disability to the patient, the earning member of the family, the insurance company will come to the rescue.

The Wikipedia, free encyclopedia, defines Health insurance as a form of group insurance, where individuals pay premiums or taxes in order to help protect themselves from high or unexpected healthcare expenses. Health insurance works by estimating the overall "risk" of healthcare expenses.

Lastly, what is important is that there is a vast section of society, in our country that still lives in villages. The need of the hour is affordable health care for all in order that even the people in remote villages can have access to it. Also health insurance companies should make sure that they make every feature of their product simple to read and understand. This makes the common man comprehend and understand where his money is going. This is because a large number of people today even read the contents of the packaged food items that they purchase, as printed on the cartons. But quite surprisingly, not many understand what their health insurance policies are about and how they work. If these things fall in place, health insurance will have a long way to go…

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